Our invisible side

Did you know that the billions of bacteria that live in our body practically control us, can influence the onset and development of diseases such as atherosclerosis and diabetes, and are also responsible for some mental disorders? The human microbiome is a much broader concept than microbiota. These are not only microbes, but all microbes’ genes can influence the environment in which they are found (1).

The microbiota strengthens our immunity, protects against foreign pathogenic bacteria, takes an active part in metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, hormone production, can determine a person’s tendency to be overweight, diabetes, and even to various psychological diseases and depression (2). Thus, it is a balanced microbiota that determines our health.

What affects our microbiome?

So what influences the human gut microbiome and how to heal it? First of all, this is our food. For example, if we eat a lot of meat products, then we form more proteolytic microorganisms that love meat. But it is these microorganisms that are actively involved in inflammation, destroying our tissues and organs (3). This is another argument for a healthy plate based on grains, vegetables, and fruits. Of course, meat should be, but not the basis of the diet.

All infectious diseases disrupt the human microbiome. In addition, the body recovers for a long time and remains vulnerable to new adverse factors. A very important factor is also the use of antimicrobial agents, the uncontrolled use of antibiotics and disinfectants (4). The era of too clean hands should stop because this is a direct road to allergies and autoimmune diseases.

Also, the human microbiome is influenced by genetic factors and (could you imagine?) the presence or absence of an appendix! Scientists have proven that people without an appendix are much more vulnerable to various intestinal infections, including antibiotic-resistant ones (5). That is, the appendix is ​​like a microbiota bank, from which, if necessary, the body can get the necessary microbes and restore its balance.

Where does our microbiome come from?

We are not born sterile (6). Bacteria have been with you from the start of your life. Recent studies say that even before a baby is born, it has a certain amount of microorganisms. You probably received your first microbes in your mother’s womb during your birth, and if you were breastfed, through her breast milk. For the rest of your life, there is a constant stream of microbes entering and leaving your body, providing a sustained biological connection between you and the rest of the world (7). Moreover, the composition of our microbiome is influenced by a huge number of various factors – antibiotic therapy and nutrition of the mother during pregnancy and the presence of inflammatory diseases in her, breastfeeding, geographical location, our diet, and diseases, etc.

The human body and microbiome are mutually beneficial existences

For microbes, we are home with comfortable living conditions and good nutrition. At the same time, microbes protect us from pathogens, help the immune system to mature, stimulate an immune response, synthesize vitamins, amino acids, mediators, they are involved in numerous metabolic processes (1).

For example, when pathogenic bacteria or viruses appear “our” microbes synthesize antimicrobial substances – bacteriocins or antibiotic-like compounds. Or they can activate our body, which itself will synthesize antimicrobial substances. This can be seen in the production of immunoglobulins A, various antimicrobial proteins, and peptides (8).

Also, the microbiome takes part in metabolic processes and produces short-chain fatty acids (propionate, butyrate, acetate), which are involved in many processes. For example, propionate regulates the production of cholesterol by the liver, butyrate is food for our epithelial cells, which helps to regulate apoptosis – programmed cell death, and inflammatory responses. Acetate is involved in fat metabolism, in the synthesis of leptin, which makes it possible to feel full while eating. Microbes are involved in the production of mucin (substances that make up the secretions of all mucous glands, gastric juice), which are involved in the exchange of bile acids (8).

The human microbiome is involved in nervous processes. The gut-brain axis refers to the physical and chemical connections between your gut and brain. Millions of nerves and neurons run between your gut and brain. Neurotransmitters and other chemicals produced in your gut also affect your brain. Interestingly, that your gut contains 500 million neurons, which are connected to your brain through nerves in your nervous system. Together, it is clear that the gut microbiota can be a key regulator of mood, cognition, pain, and obesity, and many other conditions (9).

Despite this field of research still being in infancy, some critical links have already been established between microbial imbalances in our bodies (dysbiosis) and the onset or progression of various diseases (10). These include infectious diseases, bowel disease, liver diseases, gastrointestinal malignancy (gastric cancer, colorectal cancer, and esophageal cancer), metabolic disorders (obesity and type 2 diabetes), autoimmune diseases, psychiatric diseases, autism, severe asthma, allergies, and more.

Multi EM Ferment® – the microbiome saver

What may help us to balance and protect our microbiome? We present you Multi EM Ferment® – a new innovative concept for biological anti-aging and more vitality for your cells and organs! Powerful polyphenols from natural plants and fruits, combined with selected vitamins and vital substances are perfect for regulating gut-associated and inflammatory health problems and normalizing our microbiome state.

Multi EM Ferment® is a multi-stage fermented beverage with 31 different strains of beneficial bacteria (EM) and 31 different plant metabolites. This way, in Multi EM Ferment® we combined essential for health (L +) lactic acid, antioxidants, enzyme particles, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, bioflavonoids, and crucial for our well-being bacteria to protect and restore your organism.

Multi EM Ferment® benefits 

The magic of the EM combination is that the microorganisms interact in perfect harmony, as the most precisely tuned orchestra, where instruments complement each other to create a wonderful symphony.

Multi EM Ferment® is prepared according to the principles of EM (Effective Microorganisms) technology, which combines in-depth knowledge about microorganisms, their combinations, and the impact on the microbiome and consequently on the health of the whole body. At the same time, the fermentation process multiplies nutrients. Just a tablespoon of Multi EM Ferment® brings as many nutrients as if you ate a monthly dose of antioxidant supplements!

The ingredients of plant origin in the product are broken down into such small particles that they are easily and optimally absorbed by the body. 

Also, the advantage of Multi EM Ferment® is that it contains a combination of beneficial strains of the useful bacteria (2) selected by experts, which mimic a healthy human intestinal microbiome and have a harmonious interaction with a powerful effect – this simply means that together they are even stronger and more efficient, as they support each other.

Multi EM Ferment® brings great benefits for our health (11; 12):

Why choose Multi EM Ferment®?

We see many products in the market that may have some benefits for our microbiome. So, why choose Multi EM Ferment® among other microbiome helpers?

Some doctors advise for healthy microbiome (13)

1. Eat fermented foods and probiotics.
2. Don’t forget about prebiotics (fiber).
3. Reduce your stress levels.
4. Avoid unnecessary antibiotics.
5. Go in for sports and sleep enough.
6. Reduce your intake of sugar and artificial sweeteners.
7. Eat a variety of plant foods.
8. Take Multi EM Ferment® – the first multi probiotic with a unique spectrum of Effective Microorganisms and valuable nutrients from herbs. It consists of 20 billion beneficial microorganisms in daily dosage and is suitable and recommended for the whole family. 

Multi EM Ferment® will give your organism more health and strength against damage factors. With Multi EM Ferment® you’ll be able to enjoy life to the fullest and to have a higher life quality!

Dr. Oksana Klymenko MD., PhD, 
Medical Doctor, Researcher in the fields of molecular physiology 
and pathophysiology, molecular biology, genetics, cell biology


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