Overweight, indigestion, skin problems, inflammatory and allergic diseases, disorders of the cardiovascular and nervous systems – this is far from the complete list of problems that occur in metabolic disorders. What kind of enemy is this?

Metabolic disorders – what is it?

Some people think that the term metabolic disorders are only about obesity and bad figure. But this problem is much bigger. Metabolic syndrome, variously known also as syndrome X, insulin resistance, etc., is defined by WHO as a pathologic condition characterized by abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. With the successful conquest of communicable infectious diseases in most of the world, this new non-communicable disease (NCD) has become the major health hazard of the modern world (1).

From a medical point of view, metabolic disorders are a collective term that includes metabolic disorders of various origins. These conditions can be associated with internal violations of the stability of the internal environment and the imbalance of the microbiome, as well as with external influences – stress, unavailability of healthy food, environmental factors (2). We can say that the digestive system is a “machine department” of the body, and the main process that takes place in it – metabolism. Thanks to it, what you eat is converted into energy. However, healthy food is not the only factor of well-being. An interesting fact is that the intestine contains many nerve endings, so under stress, chemical reactions in it are slowed down. When you are relaxed, your metabolism improves (3). Given this two-way relationship between mood and well-being, it is not surprising that with poor metabolism, you are likely to feel lethargic, gain weight and even get sick (probably you remember that the immune system mainly lives in the intestines and bacteria in it (microbiome) literally control us). In addition, our metabolism is strongly influenced by the presence of various inflammatory diseases, especially in the stomach and intestines, like Leaky gut syndrome, etc. (1).

What is metabolism?

Not only the appearance of a person but also the state of his health depends on the speed and stability of metabolism. After all, this process depends on how quickly the body’s cells receive the necessary nutrients. Usually, people seek to normalize metabolism as part of a diet, but it’s not enough. However, its improvement can be considered as an additional way to treat various diseases. Let’s understand what will help to fix it.

Chemical reactions constantly take place in cells (1). Under the influence of enzymes, some compounds with a food break down, others are formed. This is the basis of the life of any organism. The combination of these reactions is called metabolism.

The faster and better the metabolism in the human body, the faster the processed micronutrients that come with food. If it slows down or is violated, the organs do not receive energy in time. And fats, instead of being burned, are deposited in the form of extra pounds (4). These problems happen for various reasons:

And as far as it is difficult to do something with the first point, then we can correct the rest of the above factors. Most people believe that the most important thing to normalize metabolism is to speed it up because slowing down chemical reactions lead to the fact that cells do not receive nutrition in time. In fact, this is not the case, as far it won’t solve the exiting health problems. In addition, if metabolic processes occur very quickly, cell division accelerates (5). Their resource is not unlimited. The faster they complete the distribution cycle, the faster a person ages. Accordingly, life expectancy is reduced. Therefore, you cannot overdo it in accelerating metabolic processes. Thus, a healthy lifestyle, the absence of inflammatory diseases, and the balance of the microbiome – are the keys to normal metabolism (2).

What will happen if you do not eliminate metabolic disorders?

It is necessary to restore metabolism not only to lose weight. Being overweight is just one of the possible threats. Although it later leads to various diseases (6; 7). In particular:

Ideally, it is better not to allow metabolic disorders at all. There are many ways to prevent them, which can be done by anyone. Therefore, you should listen carefully to the body’s signals to recognize the slowdown in metabolism in the early stages.

How to understand that your metabolism needs to be improved? 

The body itself will tell you what is missing useful elements due to:

But to diagnose a metabolic disorder you should consult a physician (8). He will examine, collect a medical history and refer the patient for tests, including:

Also, depending on the symptoms, instrumental examinations (primarily ultrasound) of the kidneys, liver, pancreas, endocrine system can be performed.

Do not think that it will pass by itself or that it is not scary. It is better to immediately consult an endocrinologist and pass the tests. The main emphasis is on biochemical blood tests and hormone concentration tests. Which ones – the doctor will tell you based on the accompanying symptoms. Further consultations with related specialists are possible: gynecologist, gastroenterologist, hematologist, rheumatologist.

How to improve metabolism?

Treatment of metabolic disorders involves a comprehensive approach. The patient may need the help of several narrow specialists, such as an endocrinologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist. For example, a psychotherapist will help get rid of stress and sleep problems.

Tactics of treatment of metabolic disorders depend on the complexity and causes of pathology (9). Minor failures can be eliminated by:

Also, to prevent these disorders at the stage of the first symptoms and as an additional therapy should pay attention to proper nutrition and the use of the following supplements that help the comprehensive recovery of the body.

For example, the use of Zeostar detox®, a natural mineral complex of volcanic origin, the finest zeolite-clinoptilolite, is recommended for safe and effective detox. Depending on the specific structure, it can selectively bind harmful substances (detoxification), such as heavy metals, mycotoxins, nitrosamines, bacterial and viral particles, ammonia, histamine, and others (10). 

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases throughout the body and Leaky gut in particular, as well as antioxidant protection of the body, take Neotosil® – an innovative dietary supplement with a complex of bioavailable polyphenols and bioactive vitamins. It is a targeted complex of bioavailable polyphenols with a complete nutrient spectrum. Bioactive vitamins C, E, B12, folic acid, and beta-carotene (provitamin A) with increased availability in Neotosil® are combined with highly concentrated antioxidant power (2).

And to restore the microbiome and improve the immune system’s state and cellular protection use Multi EM ferment®, a multi-stage fermented beverage with 31 different strains of beneficial bacteria (EM) and 31 different plant metabolites. The advantage of Multi EM ferment® is that it contains a combination of beneficial bacteria strains selected by experts, which have a harmonious interaction with a powerful effect – this simply means that together they are even stronger and more efficient, as they support each other (11).

This way, taking into account all these recommendations you’ll restore the body as efficiently and holistically as possible and increase its protective capabilities against environmental harmful factors.

What other recommendations can be given to normalize metabolism?

Therefore, metabolism needs to be engaged first of all. And prevention of metabolic disorders includes:

Dr. Oksana Klymenko M.D., PhD, 
SNHS Dip. (Holistic Nutrition), Medical Doctor, Researcher in the fields 
of molecular physiology and pathophysiology, 
molecular biology, genetics, cell biology


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