What is Aluminum?

Aluminum is a toxic metal so common in our environment that it’s practically impossible to avoid (Fig.1).  At the same time, aluminum has a high level of toxicity and its accumulation in the body can be one of the causes of neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, aluminum can accumulate in the body for years, due to which its harmful effect is greatly enhanced. Aluminum is a very light metal and therefore widely used in everyday life. Also, aluminum is a very reactive element, which makes it optimal for use in pharmaceuticals for the manufacture of drugs and vaccines.

The link between neurodegenerative diseases and the accumulation of aluminum in the body is being widely investigated today. Many studies have established a direct link between cognitive impairment and dementia and aluminum toxicity. Intoxication with Aluminum can lead to a deterioration in intellectual abilities, hallucinations, depression, impaired movement and speech, epilepsy [1]. It has also been shown that patients with Alzheimer’s disease are more likely to form aluminum deposits in the brain than patients without the disease [2, 3]. Other research has shown a link between aluminum and breast cancer [4]. Therefore, it is important not to use cosmetics containing aluminum, in particular antiperspirants. In addition, aluminum adversely affects the immune system [5, 6].

How to detoxify Aluminum from your life?

Of course, the ingestion of aluminum into the body cannot be completely avoided, but one can try to reduce its amount in the body. For example, you shouldn’t buy food products with aluminum wrappers. Also, you need to carefully read the composition of hygiene products. Try not to take antacids and pharmaceuticals (including vaccines) containing aluminum. And detox your body regularly, for example with preparations containing Silica.

What is Silica?

 Silica in a form of silicon is a naturally occurring mineral and the third most abundant trace element constituent in the body. Silica is fundamentally important in human biology, particularly in connective tissue health. It is a structural element of the extracellular matrix and an essential element for glycosaminoglycan, collagen (through prolyl hydroxylase), and elastin synthesis. Also, Silica is a modulator of PPAR-gamma – a nuclear receptor involved in the pathogenesis of many inflammatory and metabolic diseases including obesity, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and cancer.

Many foods including water, beer, coffee, and some vegetables naturally contain silicon. But unfortunately, it’s not enough for our body, that’s why silicon supplements are also used as medicine. Most people don’t get enough silica in their diet – that’s because the mineral doesn’t accumulate in your body. Instead, it gets flushed out by the kidneys. Also, it was found that serum Silica concentrations showed a statistically significant decrease with age and sex dependency [7]. But not all supplements that contain silica are effective or safe. So, it is very important to choose a highly bioavailable Silica supplement.

Detoxifying abilities of Silica

It has been proven that Silica is able to effectively remove waste, toxins, and heavy metals from the body. Therefore, Silica is included in detoxification programs for the deep cleansing of cells. A study showed that Silica can play a role in removing aluminum [2, 8, 9, 10]. Moreover, Silica not only helps to protect the body from “aluminum-induced adverse effects”, but it can also enhance aluminum excretion [8]. Helping the body remove metals is called chelation [11] and is extremely important in protecting your body from the health effects of aluminum (Fig. 2).  A recent study showed that consuming higher levels of Silica is associated with a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, as this substance helps reduce the bioavailability of aluminum [8].

One of the most important reasons for Silica’s value is its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, helping to remove aluminum from the brain [12]. These studies prove that Silica can help us get rid of this harmful metal, which is all too common in the environment, beauty products, and food. Also, Silica has huge antioxidant properties to fight ROS-induced diseases that can be provoked by heavy metal accumulation [13].

QuantumSIL® – the best choice among Silica supplements 

QuantumSIL® is a food supplement for an adult human population with highly bioavailable natural silica and slow-release vitamin C. QuantumSIL® helps to fill the lack of vitamin C and silica in the body, detox organism from toxins and heavy metals, boost immunity, promotes youthful skin appearance, shiny hair, healthy bones, and tendons and improves our health in other organs and systems. Also, this supplement is prepared with proprietary technology for 300% increased solubility and has a high level of bioavailability, proved by scientific investigation, and has almost no contraindications and side effects. This way, by choosing QuantumSIL® as your Silica supplement, you are opting for safe detoxification and healthier life.

Dr. Oksana Klymenko M.D., PhD, 
SNHS Dip. (Holistic Nutrition), Medical Doctor, Researcher in the fields 
of molecular physiology and pathophysiology, 
molecular biology, genetics, cell biology


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  2. Masahiro Kawahara and Midori Kato-Negishi. Link between Aluminum and the Pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease: The Integration of the Aluminum and Amyloid Cascade Hypotheses. International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 2011: 276393
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  13. Giada Dogliotti, Alexis E. Malavazos, et al. Natural zeolites chabazite/phillipsite/analcime increase blood levels of antioxidant enzymes. https://doi.org/10.3164/jcbn.11-63

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